Review: Decade by Decade

Decade by Decade: Life is Surprisingly Predictable, Maximizing This Phase of Your Life By: Bobb Biehl Quoted from Decade by Decade Introduction p. 19 "Relax does not mean I get lazy. Relax does not mean I stop working. Relax does not mean I lose all motivation. It simply means the pressure I feel to perform is dramatically reduced and I can Relax emotionally." Author and Executive Mentor, Mr. Bobb Biehl 1.) What was the book about? Decade by Decade is more of a life pamphlet than a full fledged book. It is filled with teachable moments set to the backdrop of life's ‘Decades’ and gives you the opportunity to engage in nostalgia if you have reached and passed the decade you are reading about, gives you hope for your current status if you happen to be reading about your current decade, and finally it gives you a bit of a road map to follow and build upon for the decades ahead of you. The main premise of this book however, is to Relax. Every decade has its underl...